Category: Corporate Videos

How Animated Videos Help Save Paper and Promote Sustainability

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, innovative solutions are emerging to address the pressing challenges of sustainability across various industries. Animated videos, whether in 2D or 3D, have emerged as a powerful tool not only for communication and education but also for promoting environmental stewardship. In this blog post, we delve into the ways in which animated videos are playing a pivotal role in saving paper and advancing the cause of sustainability, ushering in a more eco-conscious era.

Section 1: The Environmental Impact of Traditional Paper-Based Communication

The traditional methods of communication, often reliant on printed materials, have significant environmental repercussions. The production of paper involves extensive use of natural resources, from trees to water and energy, contributing to deforestation and ecological imbalances. Furthermore, the paper industry generates substantial amounts of waste and pollution during the manufacturing process, impacting air and water quality. The disposal of paper-based materials adds to the mounting challenges of landfill management. As the world strives for sustainable practices, a shift towards paperless communication becomes imperative.

Section 2: The Emergence of Animated Videos as a Sustainable Solution

Animated videos have emerged as a dynamic and engaging medium capable of transforming how information is conveyed and consumed. With their ability to simplify complex concepts and engage audiences, these videos provide an effective alternative to traditional paper-based communication. Unlike printed materials, animated videos do not require physical resources, making them inherently eco-friendly. This shift towards digital content consumption has a profound impact on reducing the demand for paper and minimizing its associated environmental footprint.

Section 3: The Role of 2D Animated Videos in Sustainable Communication

2D animated videos, characterized by their two-dimensional artistic style, are gaining traction as a compelling medium for sustainable communication. Organizations across various sectors, including business, education, and healthcare, are leveraging the power of 2D animations to replace conventional printed materials such as brochures, manuals, and pamphlets. These animations effectively convey information and messages in a visually appealing manner, thus significantly reducing the need for paper-based collateral. By embracing 2D animated videos, businesses and institutions contribute to paper conservation and resource efficiency.

Section 4: Environmental Elegance: 3D Animated Videos for Sustainability

The realm of 3D animated videos introduces an even more immersive experience for audiences. Characterized by lifelike depth and realism, 3D animations are revolutionizing industries such as architecture, product design, and marketing. These animations enable virtual tours, interactive product showcases, and realistic simulations that were previously reliant on physical models and printed materials. By embracing 3D animated videos, industries can minimize paper waste and environmental impact while simultaneously enhancing their communication and engagement strategies.

Section 5: Educating for Sustainability through Animated Videos

Animated videos serve as powerful tools for education and awareness, making them invaluable for promoting sustainability. Educational institutions are incorporating animated videos to teach students about environmental conservation, renewable energy, and responsible consumption. These videos engage learners through captivating visuals and compelling narratives, fostering a deeper understanding of sustainability issues and inspiring positive behaviors. The integration of animated videos into curricula empowers the next generation with the knowledge and motivation needed to address global environmental challenges.

Section 6: Marketing Sustainability Through Animated Videos

Businesses are recognizing the potential of animated videos in marketing to promote sustainable products and practices. Animated explainer videos, product demonstrations, and promotional campaigns can effectively convey a brand’s commitment to sustainability without relying on printed materials. Through creative storytelling and visually engaging content, companies can align their marketing efforts with environmental consciousness, appealing to environmentally conscious consumers and contributing to a greener reputation.

Section 7: Global Reach, Minimal Impact: The Environmental Advantages of Digital Distribution

One of the most significant benefits of animated videos is their ability to reach global audiences without the need for physical distribution. Digital content can be easily shared and accessed, eliminating the environmental costs associated with shipping, transportation, and paper usage. This widespread accessibility not only conserves resources but also enables the efficient dissemination of sustainable ideas and practices on a global scale. Animated videos empower organizations and individuals alike to contribute to a more sustainable future, transcending geographical boundaries.

Section 8: Collaboration, Efficiency, and Innovation in Sustainable Communication

The collaborative nature of animated video production aligns with principles of sustainability in unexpected ways. Teams can seamlessly collaborate remotely, reducing the need for travel and minimizing carbon emissions. Additionally, the creative freedom offered by animation facilitates innovative storytelling techniques that inspire and promote eco-friendly behaviors. Animated videos possess the ability to forge emotional connections and drive positive change, fostering a collective shift towards sustainability.

Section 9: Paving the Way for a Greener Future with Animated Videos

In an era where environmental consciousness is paramount, animated videos stand as a beacon of hope for a more sustainable future. By replacing conventional paper-based communication with digital content, these videos contribute significantly to reducing paper consumption, deforestation, and waste generation. As technology continues to evolve, the potential of animated videos to drive positive change and advance sustainability is boundless, offering a promising path toward a greener world for generations to come.

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Mastering the Art of Memes and GIFs: A Playful Guide to Effective Marketing

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, creativity knows no bounds. Memes and GIFs, once the realm of internet humor, have become powerful tools for engaging audiences and conveying messages in a fun and relatable way. If you’re looking to infuse your marketing strategy with a dose of playfulness and shareability, this guide will walk you through the art of using memes and GIFs to captivate your audience and boost your brand presence.

Section 1: The Rise of Memes and GIFs in Marketing

In the fast-paced world of online content consumption, attention spans are shorter than ever. This is where memes and GIFs shine. A meme is a humorous image or piece of text that spreads virally with variations, while a GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a short, looping animation. These visual elements inject life into your marketing campaigns, instantly grabbing attention and making a memorable impression. They’re like mini-videos that don’t require audio, perfect for capturing the essence of your message in a matter of seconds.

Memes and GIFs are an integral part of internet culture, and when harnessed correctly, they can help your brand tap into popular trends and conversations. By incorporating these elements into your marketing strategy, you’re not just advertising – you’re participating in a dynamic, interactive dialogue with your audience.

Section 2: The Science Behind Memes and GIFs Engagement

Ever wondered why memes and GIFs are so engaging? It all boils down to psychology. Our brains are wired to process visuals faster than text, making these bite-sized content pieces highly effective in conveying messages. Additionally, humor triggers an emotional response, which leads to increased sharing and engagement. When you combine a relatable image with a witty caption or animation, you create a powerful formula that sparks connection and resonates with your target audience.

Memes and GIFs also capitalize on the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) phenomenon. As trends come and go at lightning speed in the digital realm, people are eager to be part of the conversation. By leveraging timely and relevant memes or GIFs, you can create a sense of urgency and encourage your audience to engage with your content before it becomes outdated.

Section 3: Crafting Memes and GIFs That Convert

Design is at the heart of effective memes and GIFs for marketing. To create content that resonates, start with a clear understanding of your brand’s voice, tone, and values. Consistency is key to building a recognizable identity that stands out in a sea of online content. Incorporate your brand elements, such as logo, colors, and typography, into your memes and GIFs to maintain a cohesive look.

When designing memes, consider the rule of simplicity. The image and text should work harmoniously, and the message should be conveyed in a split second. Choose relatable images that align with your message, and ensure the text is concise and impactful. For GIFs, focus on creating short, loopable animations that convey your message in a continuous cycle, encouraging viewers to watch it multiple times.

Section 4: Tapping into Trends and Pop Culture

Memes and GIFs are at their most potent when they tap into current trends and pop culture references. Stay attuned to social media conversations, viral challenges, and trending hashtags. If a particular meme or GIF is making waves, consider how you can cleverly incorporate it into your marketing strategy. However, always ensure that the trend aligns with your brand’s message and values to avoid coming across as inauthentic or opportunistic.

Take advantage of major events, holidays, and celebrations to create timely and relevant content. Whether it’s a holiday-themed GIF or a meme that references a popular event, your audience will appreciate your ability to join the conversation in a light-hearted and relatable manner.

Section 5: Injecting Humor and Personality

Humor is a universal language that can bridge gaps and connect people. When crafting memes and GIFs, don’t hesitate to inject humor and personality. A well-timed joke or a witty caption can make your content stand out and leave a lasting impression. Keep in mind that humor is subjective, so it’s important to know your audience and their preferences.

A playful and relatable tone can also humanize your brand, making it more approachable and trustworthy. Sharing funny, light-hearted content shows that you don’t take yourself too seriously and can create a sense of camaraderie between your brand and your audience.

Section 6: Memes and GIFs as Storytelling Tools

Behind every meme and GIF is an opportunity to tell a story. These visual elements can condense complex narratives into easily digestible snippets. Whether you’re showcasing a product’s features or highlighting a customer success story, memes and GIFs provide a platform to convey information in an engaging and memorable way.

Consider creating a series of memes or GIFs that build upon each other, forming a cohesive narrative. This approach encourages your audience to stay engaged and follow along, eager to see how the story unfolds. Just like a captivating movie trailer, your memes and GIFs can leave viewers curious and wanting more.

Section 7: Integrating Memes and GIFs Across Platforms

The versatility of memes and GIFs allows you to seamlessly integrate them across various platforms. From social media posts and stories to email campaigns and blog content, these visual elements can enhance your overall marketing strategy. When posting on social media, leverage hashtags and interactive features like polls and quizzes to encourage audience participation and boost your reach.

In email campaigns, consider using GIFs to create eye-catching headers or showcase product features. Animated elements can breathe life into static content, increasing engagement and click-through rates. When sharing memes and GIFs on your blog or website, ensure they align with the surrounding content and contribute to the overall user experience.

Section 8: The Power of User-Generated Memes and GIFs

User-generated content (UGC) is a goldmine for authentic and relatable memes and GIFs. Encourage your audience to create and share content related to your brand, products, or services. Whether it’s through a contest, challenge, or simply asking for submissions, UGC fosters a sense of community and involvement.

Sharing UGC memes and GIFs not only provides fresh and diverse content but also showcases the genuine enthusiasm of your customers. It’s a testament to the impact your brand has on people’s lives, and it reinforces the idea that your brand is more than just a product – it’s a part of their identity.

Section 9: Measuring Success and Iterating

As with any marketing strategy, it’s crucial to measure the success of your meme and GIF campaigns. Monitor metrics such as engagement rates, shares, comments, and website traffic to gauge the effectiveness of your content. Social media analytics tools and marketing platforms can provide valuable insights into how your memes and GIFs are resonating with your audience.

Based on your analysis, iterate and refine your approach. Pay attention to which memes and GIFs perform best and try to identify patterns in terms of content, timing, and design. Continuously experiment with different styles, themes, and messaging to keep your audience engaged and excited.

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How to use video to drive traffic to your website

Video is a powerful tool that can be used to drive traffic to your website. In fact, according to a study by Wyzowl, 85% of businesses that use video marketing report that it has increased website traffic. As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words,” and a video is worth even more. With the popularity of video content on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, businesses and content creators have recognized the immense potential of videos in attracting and engaging audiences. In this blog, we will explore effective strategies to leverage videos to boost website traffic, enhance user engagement, and ultimately, achieve your marketing goals.

Creating Compelling Video Content

The first step to driving traffic to your website using videos is to produce captivating and high-quality content. A well-crafted video can leave a lasting impact on viewers, encouraging them to visit your website for more information or to explore your products and services. Here are some essential tips for creating compelling video content:

a) Know your audience: Understanding your target audience’s interests, preferences, and pain points will help you tailor your videos to meet their specific needs.

b) Keep it concise: Attention spans are limited, especially online. Aim to deliver your message succinctly, keeping videos around 1 to 3 minutes in length.

c) High production value: Invest in good equipment and editing software to ensure your videos look professional and visually appealing.

d) Tell a story: Stories have a unique ability to captivate audiences. Craft a narrative that connects with your viewers emotionally and inspires action.

e) Optimize for mobile: As most users consume videos on mobile devices, ensure your videos are mobile-friendly and load quickly.

YouTube Channel Optimization

YouTube, with over 2 billion logged-in monthly users, is one of the most significant platforms to promote your videos and drive traffic to your website. To optimize your YouTube channel for maximum visibility and engagement, consider the following:

a) Keyword research: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to identify relevant keywords and incorporate them into your video titles, descriptions, and tags.

b) Compelling thumbnails: Eye-catching thumbnails can significantly increase click-through rates. Use custom thumbnails that represent the video’s content and spark curiosity.

c) Calls to action (CTAs): Encourage viewers to visit your website by including CTAs in your video and description, inviting them to explore further or sign up for exclusive content.

d) Playlists and end screens: Organize your videos into playlists to keep viewers engaged and use end screens to promote related videos or your website.

Social Media Integration

Social media platforms are hotbeds for video content, and leveraging them strategically can boost your website traffic. Here’s how:

a) Native uploads: Instead of merely sharing YouTube links, upload videos directly to platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Native uploads often receive better visibility and engagement.

b) Teasers and snippets: Tease your full-length videos with short clips or snippets on social media. Create curiosity and direct users to your website to watch the complete video.

c) Shareable content: Craft shareable and relatable videos that users would want to share with their friends and followers, expanding your reach organically.

d) Influencer collaborations: Partner with influencers in your niche to create engaging video content. Influencers’ loyal followers can become potential visitors to your website.

Video SEO for Website Integration

To drive traffic from video platforms to your website, it’s essential to implement video SEO best practices. Follow these tips:

a) Video sitemap: Create a video sitemap and submit it to search engines like Google to ensure your videos appear in search results.

b) Schema markup: Add schema markup to your video pages to provide search engines with additional information about your videos, improving their visibility.

c) Embed videos on your website: Embedding videos directly on your website can increase engagement and dwell time, leading to improved search rankings.

d) Optimize video titles and descriptions: Use relevant keywords in your video titles and descriptions to rank higher in search results.

Engaging in Video Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a potent tool for driving traffic to your website. Including videos in your email campaigns can significantly enhance their effectiveness:

a) Personalization: Tailor your videos to suit the interests and preferences of your email subscribers for a more personalized experience.

b) Video thumbnails: Use video thumbnails in your emails to capture recipients’ attention and increase click-through rates.

c) Landing pages: Create dedicated landing pages for your videos and direct email recipients to these pages for a seamless user journey.


In today’s digital age, videos have become an essential part of a successful online marketing strategy. By creating compelling video content, optimizing YouTube channels, integrating with social media, implementing video SEO, and leveraging video email marketing, you can drive substantial traffic to your website. Remember to continually analyze and optimize your video marketing efforts to stay ahead of the competition and connect with your audience effectively. Embrace the power of videos and watch as your website traffic soars to new heights.

With the right approach and a little creativity, videos can become the driving force behind your website’s success, elevating your brand, boosting engagement, and converting visitors into loyal customers. So, why wait? Start harnessing the potential of videos today and unlock a world of opportunities for your online presence.

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How Do Animation Videos Boost Your Social Media Strategy?

You spend hours scrolling through Instagram reels and videos before hitting the sheets. Short, crisp videos with engaging content are the new way to keep your audience glued to your social media. Be it animation videos, blooper reels from the popular television sitcom F.R.I.E.N.D.S. or subtle brand promotion videos by influencers, businesses have been ensuring that their online presence is dominated through videos. The algorithms of these social media platforms have been pushing more video content, thus forcing the brands to create video content now more than ever. 

Due to the saturation of the type of content published and circulated online, it gets challenging for brands to generate organic traffic for their content. While paid traffic is an option, you can choose, garnering an organic audience is always preferred by brands trying to establish their presence online. People need to discover your content and engage with it. 

One of the most popular forms of video content is “Animation videos.” Many businesses have been creating brand-centric animation videos as a part of their social media calendar. But how can your company benefit from creating animation videos? Which type of animation videos would be suitable for your brand? How can you start making videos? Don’t worry. In this blog, we will be discussing X ways animation videos can boost your social media strategy. We will take up all your questions and doubts and answer them through the course of this blog! Let’s get going. 

1. Animation videos create visual stimulation

While any visually appealing content attracts your attention, a video holds your focus for a while. They create a sequential frame-by-frame story that provides you with some basic storyline and has multiple factors like popping colors, images, figures, etc., which catches your eye and pleases your brain cells. Our mind is always in search of creating our interpretations. We perceive things differently, and thus every individual has a unique outlook on a similar subject. Animation videos allow the audience to intrigue their brains and anticipate and interpret the events during the video, thus holding their attention very closely. 

2. Animation videos eliminate the “BORING”

Social media handles have been pushing video content, as we discussed. But why should you concentrate on creating animation videos? While explainer videos do the job just as well, they can be very corporate in structure. A few pointers, infographic texts, analytics, data, etc., about your business in an explanatory format, do not scream “interesting.” Animation videos are quirky, which makes them more pleasing to watch. Inculcating animated elements, characters, visual effects, etc., can make any video go from boring bums to creative chums. You can include subtle calls to action and create emotional hooks to keep the audience attentive throughout and work with the relatability factor. 

3. Take a trip down memory lane with animation videos

Who here hasn’t been a fan of “Baby Looney Tunes,” “Tom and Jerry,” “Pokemon,” etc. The age of good, animated cartoons has always been a source of nostalgia, especially amongst millennials. And this nostalgic factor can be banked upon in your marketing strategy by creating animated videos that recreate such experiences for your audience.

4. Resonate with your viewers using animated videos

Google doodles are the perfect example of how adorable animations can create a huge buzz. We all have been massive fans of Google and how creative, imaginative, topical, and relatable their doodles are. This is the power of animation. The most minor animated characters and the lightest elements can cause such a powerful impact that the audience talks about them more often than we can imagine. That is quite amazing, isn’t it?

5. Videos that “break things down into smaller pieces”

Many times, some concepts are complex for the audience to understand. There might be certain sections that are difficult to comprehend, especially just by using text. This is where animation videos prove mighty helpful. Translating those concepts into animated characters and objects and then explaining through recreating the textual experience is only more straightforward. This helps your viewers understand your content quickly and encourages them to engage since now they have clarity about your idea. Pretty crisp, no?

6. Cost-effective is a huge plus

Animation videos are relatively cheaper compared to the cost of full-blown production or live videos. You require several pieces of equipment, setup, staff, etc. To afford that cost might burn a hole in your pocket. You can provide a fun and informative experience without flaming through the cash with animation videos.

7. Animation videos don’t have a particular box

Animation videos are not confined to boundaries. They gel well with anything and everything. Be it infographic content, reels, explainer videos, invitation videos, and much more. They fit all your marketing requirements that come with your content ideas. And enhance the visual appeal through the creative elements! What more do you want?

Video marketing has already become a massive part of the social media strategy. And you do not want to lag in this game of online presence. We hope that this blog came through and answered all the burning questions about why your brand needs animated videos to boost your social media strategy. 

Don’t wait for Christmas! Let’s get started on amplifying your social presence!

Looking for a video production company to create crisp and appealing animation videos for your brand like those top animation software companies do? You’ve come to the right place!

We understand your business needs and eagerly want to help you grow. Create videos that visualize your visions. Seek the right audience for you. Konnect with us. Build a wholesome visual experience for your audience. Create a voice for your brand. Let your product speak for itself.

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Check out our portfolio for more samples!

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20 Video Ideas for YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram for 2022

One of the things you do on your phone religiously is scroll through Instagram. Probably the first thing in the morning and the last thing before you hit the sheets. And what has got you hooked onto Instagram so much? The answer is ‘reels’. Those short videos weave a whole story within fifteen, thirty, or sixty seconds. It’s almost like your brain gets a dopamine hit every time you scroll to another video. The variety of the video-based content we consume daily is insane. The online content game has massively evolved, be it transition reels, makeup tutorials, dance challenges, funny trends, mimicry, DIY videos, etc.

The same goes for YouTube. It’s just difficult to stop after watching one video? The range of videos available on YouTube is unbeatable. While we’re talking about major video-based content platforms, LinkedIn is very much in the running with its corporate and learning-based videos.

While you can make a video about basically anything today, you need to up your game to reach out to maximum people and retain your audience. Stay relevant to the trends. Create content that serves some purpose. You must keep up with the platforms’ algorithm to stay congruent with the changing demands of content as well as the format.

Let us take you through 20 video ideas for YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram for 2022. These ideas will help you transform your video content game, give you the latest insights and help you attain your goals.

1. Vlogs

Entertaining or educational Vlogs will continue to rule the content scene even in 2022. They have gained massive popularity amongst the social media audience. According to a survey, almost 44 percent of internet users watch vlogs daily. Make sure you create vlogs that stand out from the plethora of creators out there.

Tip: Research at least 50-100 vlog creators and see what they are doing and what they aren’t.

2. Explainer videos

Explainer videos can be called video brochures of a product, brand, or service. They use a unique style of storytelling that takes you through the details and have an effective impact on the audience. Corporate explainer videos can be quite challenging since many elements are incorporated in one short video. Always contact a professional video production company like Konnect Me Animation to bring your idea to fruition.

3. Weekday Hashtags

Videos related to days of the week are quite engaging. For example: #MotivationalMondays or #ThrowbackThursdays. It helps your audience associate with your videos organically. You can make it niche-specific or share quotes or tips to make the videos more relatable for your viewers. 

4. A News story

A significant part of your viewership focuses on the “trending” content. Everyone wants to be a part of what’s happening “now”, be it news or memes. Stay relevant by creating informative videos around the latest news stories, insights, and trends. Share it with your audience. Help your viewers stay up to date. 

5. Behind the scenes (BTS Videos)

Who doesn’t love to see the “BTS – Behind The Scenes” footage of their favorite shows? It gives them a sneak peek into the reality behind the scene. These videos humanize the show’s characters. They make them more relatable and personal. This also works well in the corporate sector, where you can showcase the process of how things work, what it takes to create something, etc. In short, BTS videos provide a glimpse into backstage activities.

6. Skill development

Creating videos where you teach a skill is perfect for platforms like LinkedIn, all about careers, development, and learning. You can structure and simplify the video to help the viewer understand the “why, what, and how” of a skill. Such infographic videos (simple, informative, and visually appealing) are prevalent in workspaces. They help the employees and job seekers get oriented or gain expertise in a particular skill of demand or choice. One can make such videos using infographic video maker applications. 

7. Testimonial Videos

Video testimonials give your potential and existing customers an assurance that they are in safe hands with your brand. These videos are a great technique to push your marketing. Such third-party reviews eliminate the risks of “bias” from the consumers’ minds and give them the freedom to form their own opinion about your business or product.

8. Unboxing

Unboxing videos began on YouTube and are now a trendy segment on both YouTube and Instagram. The videos revolve around a product’s packaging and unwrapping to reveal the contents inside it. Unboxing aims at helping people understand what to expect while purchasing the product. It also contains information about the product’s features. Such videos have a very high rate of influencing the audience to buy the product. Creators can also partner with brands to unbox their products and hence earn handsomely. 

9. Question and Answer

Q&A videos are pretty popular on all the platforms. It helps people communicate with you or your brand and gain insights about what you offer and answers to their queries. These videos also serve the purpose of “personal touch” or “humanization” of your persona and brand. You can address questions from the comments or messages and ask the audience if they would like to discuss a particular topic. 

10. Tutorials

Short makeup, hair, or Do It Yourself (DIY) craft tutorials on Instagram have proven to be very successful. Many brands advertise their products with the help of these makeup artists/influencers on Instagram. People these days love to be experimental with their looks. These tutorials gain a lot of views by showcasing different creative styles for their audience. 

11. Holiday specific

Social holidays can definitely be a part of your content calendar. People like to see new social events scenes incorporated into a short, crisp video. This engages your audience, and you can expect more views as it can be pretty unique and relatable at the same time. 

12. Corporate videos

These videos showcase your brand, the mission, the vision, the goals, the community outreach, values, and the glimpses of your workforce and workspace from a very professional perspective that caters to the corporate lens. Most companies opt for professional corporate video production companies like Konnect Me Animation to do the job and produce concise and informative videos.

13. Video blogs

You can share snippets from blog posts in a graphical video manner. These videos can contain information that conveys the gist of the whole blog. You can create content related animation to give these videos a more visual impact to garner a great response from the audience. Animations can be pretty tricky to work with. So, getting in touch with a video animation company can smoothly help you create the animation you need for your video. 

14. Animation Videos

Storytelling through animated characters has become more popular today than ever. Such videos have a large and loyal audience base. You can whip up some characters, which can serve a purpose in your story. Animation videos require a lot of time and detail. But considering the response one receives from these videos, you cannot get past this idea. Instead, you can work with a character animation studio that will bring your animation story and characters to life. 

15. Promotional videos

Promotional videos serve a great deal of purpose if you have to market an event. You can use simple infographics with catchy background tracks to lure your audience and make the event seem more enticing. Do not forget to include “how to register” information in the video for those who wish to attend. 

16. Take a tour

Videos like “house tour”, “office tour”, etc. have gained a lot of popularity among viewers. These videos take you through the whole place, which one would not usually get to see in other videos.

17. A day in the life of

These videos provide a glimpse into the life of a particular person or a brand, how things go about on a given day, etc. Showing everyday routine, highlighting the small things about the day interest your audience and bring in a lot of new viewers. 

18. Food all the way

Food blogging has been gaining so much popularity. It is one of the top niches which gains the most viewers. Food lovers appreciate the varieties of food showcased in these videos. Food videos are relatable and prompt the audience to share them with their peers, thus expanding the reach organically.

19. Recap

Recap your day or an event with the best photos and snaps made into a video. These videos trend a lot on all three platforms -YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The viewers are intrigued and engage with the video by tagging their friends or sharing with their contacts. You can also compile the snaps or videos and reshare them to bring more engagement. 

20. Highlight

Highlight videos can help you repurpose your content and get more viewers. You can prompt the audience to watch the new version by including some extended clips or behind the scenes, which would give them the thrill to know more. Highlight videos also urge your viewers to watch the previous content, thus increasing the views on those videos as well. 

That’s a wrap on 20 video ideas for YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram for 2022. Use these ideas, and you are all set to get in more views and engagement! Include the discussed ideas and trends in your social media calendar for this year.

Are you interested in creating these videos for your brand? Looking for a video production company to help you bring your vision to life? Want to transform your marketing and amplify your brand’s reach? Connect with us. Build a wholesome visual experience for your audience. Create a voice for your brand. Let your product speak for itself. 

Check out our portfolio for more samples!

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12 Crucial Principles of Animation You Must Know

Let’s go down memory lane. Remember watching Powerpuff girls or Scooby-Doo? And for the newer kids on the block, you must have watched Death Note or Rick and Morty? How do those characters move so smoothly as if they were real? And despite being a cartoon, the impact of animation makes it so intriguing to watch. We have all been absorbed into the animation fandom through shows or cartoons, haven’t we?

Animation is a method to manipulate figures as moving images. But as the world of technology picked its pace globally, the world of animation advanced. Today, animations are made using CGI-Computer-Generated Imagery. To give you a visual idea, Thanos is a computer-generated character!

The field of animation is more profound than it seems. There are different dynamics to take care of while portraying fictional characters as real. The way they talk, the way they walk, the way they sigh, the shadows, the breeze-everything needs to be considered before the final product comes to your screen. 

This article will discuss these twelve principles of animation in order. Understanding and abiding by these basics will provide a deeper insight into the world of animation and all the things that should be considered while creating realistic and appealing animated characters.

1. Squash and Stretch

One of the most fundamental principles, squash and stretch, indicates an object’s weight, volume, and flexibility. For example, when a ball falls to the ground, the ground flattens it. However, the ball tends to widen to its original shape against the impact of the ground. While squash and stretch happens all around us but fails to catch our eyes most of the time. This animation technique gives a fun element to the animated objects. It exaggerates the effect and creates an illusion about the object’s physical attributes.

2. Anticipation

The activities leading to the main action give a powerful impact. It provides the audience with little clues about some significant action that is going to happen. This hooks the viewers by intriguing them into believable movements and maintaining curiosity. For example, elements leading to a character’s arrival, backing foot before kicking a football, etc.

3. Staging

The placement of characters in a particular frame or scene, their angles, their activities that convey their intention clearly is collectively called staging. The staging of a character and setting are the crucial elements that facilitate the advancement of the plot. It effectively directs the audience’s attention towards the story.

4. Straight ahead action and pose-to-pose

These are two techniques of animation. Drawing each action frame one by one as you go along is what you call Straight ahead action. In pose-to-pose, you work on the extremes at first. You draw the beginning and the end, then work your way from the middle frame and fill up the frames accordingly. The straight-ahead action method gives you the freedom of surprise, while pose-to-pose gives you a specific command over the action. Both these techniques bring spontaneity and structure to your animation.

5. Follow-Through and Overlapping Action

The element that describes the other activities caused by/leading to the primary action is the follow-through principle. These secondary elements overlap the primary action that takes place. For example, the movement of your skirt and hair when you twirl.

6. Ease In and Ease Out

Controlling the factors leading to the main action is called ease out. For example, accelerating a car (it takes a couple of seconds to attain a certain speed and acceleration). Controlling the factors caused by the main action is the Ease In principle. For example, stopping a car (it takes some time to slow the vehicle before coming to a complete stop). The ease in and ease out principle provides realism to the animation. 

7. Arcs

Arcs add a realistic illusion to the animation. The absence of arches might make your animation seem mechanical. All the activities that we perform involve curved trajectories. Including arcs in your animation would give it a natural and relatable touch.

8. Secondary Action

Gestures that reinforce and add a flair to the primary actions are called secondary actions. These actions support, add personality and give more insights into the main character, their thoughts, and activities.

9. Timing and Spacing

This principle indicates how an action pans out and changes by the second until its completion. A sense of timing and spacing in your animation is essential. For example, the ball’s momentum when it bounces and how the spacing becomes wider as it drops.

10. Exaggeration

An exaggeration is to enhance the character’s physical attributes and actions to create a dramatic or comedic effect. This technique helps increase the visual appeal of your character while adding a personality to your story. Exaggeration can be done by changing the character’s expressions, features, or body to induce a reaction from the audience and advance the plot.

11. Solid Drawing

As an animator, you need to be careful about ensuring your characters appear to be three-dimensional despite the drawing being two-dimensional.

12. Appeal

Experiment with different attributes of your animated characters. Viewers remember the feel and the appeal of any character. No matter the role, the characters need to have a certain flair and charisma, which adds to their dimension and caters to the people’s expectations about that particular character. You can enhance the appeal of your animation by experimenting with different shapes and their proportions while ensuring the balance between detail and simplicity.

Konnect Me Animation has created this animated video describing the twelve principles of animation: 

Intrigued about how you can create an appealing animated video for your brand? Want to incorporate all these principles into the videos that can amplify your business? Connect with us to create a wholesome experience for your audience with our product explainer videos.

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7 Great Explainer Videos That Work The Silent Video Trend

Did you forget your earphones? Are you in a public setting? Or do you like watching videos on mute? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, let me say that you’re not alone. You’ll find yourself frantically reaching for the mute button often when you’re at work or amidst a crowd. And that is why explainer videos are jumping on the silent trend now. It’s hassle-free. And the mute button is here to stay.

Video content is the demand of the time. And catering to the silent video trend, it is an intelligent choice to make explainer videos. Get your message across even when the mute button is active. The viewership pattern has seen a massive shift in what the users consider good videos. Add all those fantastic sound effects, and yet, the videos should be appealing without the sound.

Facebook videos autoplay without the sound. Videos on Instagram autoplay without sound until you turn on the ringer. Users are showing positive feedback for the content they can consume silently. One thing that keeps them engaged with the videos is captions. According to a survey, videos with captions have an audience engagement and retention rate of 80%. 

Mobile phones have revolutionized the whole ecosystem of online videos. You don’t have to go berserk looking for the mute button anymore. The short, vertical, mobile-friendly video creation is the choice of creators and users today. And most of it is preferred to be enjoyed without sound.

Your videos need elements to hook your viewers. With the decreasing attention span of humans, you need to captivate them immediately. If you’re through with that for the first few seconds, the chances are that they’re likely to watch the complete video.

But how do you make your videos enjoyable?

Well, let’s discuss some of the top explainer videos that work the silent video trend.

1. Make simple shapes speak

Your silent video doesn’t have to be jazzy. Simple, bold shapes with crisp messages are very effective. Yes, the music adds a certain zing to it, but you can capture the essence of the video even without it.

2. Say yes to on-screen text

Vertical is the new dynamic of the “business” videos. Concise texts with the graphics’ gist make these videos very effective. No sound doesn’t hinder the intended message that is to be delivered.

3. Add some animation

Animated details in the videos emphasize the points of the videos. And along with the text portion, the animations do a great job directing the viewer’s attention towards the selling points of the products/videos.

4. One step at a time

The Do It Yourself (DIY) or videos that show step-by-step instructions are good examples of soundless, impactful videos. The creator takes you through a whole journey with just images and text, making it easy to follow without sound. And he gets the job done.

5. Why use many words?

A lot of channels are floating around with the ideas of stop-motion videos. This enhances the “mute” watching experience by combining colorful, quirky images and short texts.

6. Keep it sleek

Silent product videos intend to dull down the unnecessary noises. They display features of the products “to the point,” thus keeping things short and crisp. These videos have no necessity to dive into excessive explanations and voiceovers.

7. Take the comic book reference

Like the comics we love, these videos show dialogue with graphic effects. The user can understand the video without the sound, as the comic format makes it easier to follow. The message emerges loud and clear.

We have enough evidence to justify that videos without sound can be equally effective and engaging. They need to be clear enough for the audience to follow easily. Do not emphasize making the videos soundless. Instead, create videos that work well with or without sound and deliver your message.

Declutter the unnecessary elements and let your product speak for itself. Create a wholesome experience for your audience’s eye.

Are you interested in creating an explainer video for your product?
 Check out our portfolio for more samples!

“Let your product speak for itself.”

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Corporate video vs. Promotional video, everything you need to know about corporate and promotional video

People often get confused between a corporate video and promotional video, these two are terms often used interchangeably. These are, in-fact, very different cincepts. Before finalising your ad style it is important to understand the difference between them. This can help prevent any miscommunications with the ad agency and give you better transparency.

We’ll discuss each term in detail along with examples to help explore the differences between the two.

Corporate video

Corporate video is generating a lot of buzz these days. Corporate videos are often made to depict the brand’s story if it involves product or services provided by organization then a range of products are shown. So basically it doesn’t advocate for some specific product or service, corporate videos focus on the buainess itself. These videos often represent a company’s vision its culture and values. Such videos are used to improve brand image and transparency.They set the tone and style for your brand.

So what makes corporate animated video special? From small enterprises to large companies corporate animated videos can be used by any organisation to drive engagement. You can also go for budget-friendly packages of animated videos. Combination of live-action and stop motion animation style is best to tell your brand story through a corporate animated video.

Corporate videos example may include corporate training videos, product line explainer video, conference videos, about us video etc. Many big heads like Twitter, IBM, Facebook, PayPal etc take advantage of corporate animated videos to present a difficult subject more lightly so that the audience can understand the concept.

An animated corporate video can make your marketing, branding, and advertising more memorable.

Following are examples of some Corporate Videos:

A corporate documentary shows the history of a company and what inspired it into the business it is today. This type of corporate video would also not need to be short.

It can be a recruiting video to persuade potential employees to be interested in the company.

A company profile video could illustrate some concept like manufacturing process, including what they offer.

Promotional video

A promotional video is designed to flaunt a product some service, or event. This is the most popular type of commercial video in terms of television. The aim of a promo video is to show how something works, it can be used to highlight specific products or services.

If you have an event coming up and planning to spread the word about it then a customised Event Promo video can do wonders for you. This kind of video campaigns span across the different phases of an event like pre-event, during event and post-event. As per Eventbrite’s 2019 Pulse Report, 95% of events that used video said it was effective. So whether you’re doing a ticket launch event, pre-event announcement, event invitation or reminder, corporate functions, product launch, or trade fair promotional video can be extremely helpful. Types of Event promotional videos can be a teaser, testimonial, product description video etc

Below are examples of some Promotional Videos:

An explainer video like this would help to show the product in the most dynamic way possible

An explainer video that effortlessly shows service that is difficult to explain with just words.

The kind of fiction promotional video uses a story to sell your product or service. Usually it follows the theme of problem and solution.
The kind of fiction promotional video uses a story to sell your product or service. Usually it follows the theme of problem and solution.


It is evident to recognise the distinctions between a corporate and promo video. A promotional video would endorse a new product, service, or an event, whereas a corporate video advocates the company or some concept as a whole. In general, promo videos are great for advertising or launching a new product, service, or event where as a corporate video will appeal to the company’s target audience in the theory of creating followers. If you want to learn more about these terms you can reach out to us we are good listeners, we would love to hear from you.

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Solid marketing strategies for Small Medium-sized businesses to fuel business growth

Starting any business is easy but maintaining its growth is difficult. It is equally important to plan its growth along with the business launch. Especially for small and medium-sized businesses where competition is high. But With a Solid Business Plan, your business can do wonders. With the right marketing strategies, you can get across your message to the right audience. This blog will help you to boost visibility and increase sales while sustaining a profit with a converting offer. It will help you to have an effective sales funnel and optimise conversations.

But before defining strategies, complete this checklist.

Your content is designed keeping your target audience in mind so discover your profitable niche, define a target demographic and have something of value to sell them, and also see where your target audience is available. For example, Linkedin is the perfect platform for B2B marketing, to target Gen-Z you can focus more on Instagram and Snapchat, and for millennials, Facebook works best. Research about what your audience wants and try to reflect your target audience’s interests in your feed’s content.

Without any doubt, your visibility game needs to be on point in 2021. Marketers often end up thinking that more visibility means more spending on the marketing budget. But trust us if you plan everything right you can have things in place even on a shoestring budget. 

Don’t underestimate the power of email marketing

You will think that this is a very old method of marketing, but email marketing establishes long term relationships with the customers. In 2019, global email users amounted to 3.9 billion users (Statista, 2020). This figure is set to grow to 4.3 billion users in 2023. So, prepare a subscriber list and add all your prospects and current customers. Make an email marketing sequence calendar and send automated messages to your subscribers.

Refer following the Email marketing hacks listed by our experts to boost your conversation.

* It is all about the subject line, craft the super perfect subject line to get their attention
– Ask some interesting questions to grab the reader’s curiosity
* If possible incorporate user’s name in subject line
* Use images and videos to draw their attention
– Bright colour images and animated content does a great job
* All efforts are meaningless without a call to action
* Don’t forget to include unsubscribe link option too
– It is better to let them go, now you can focus on customers that want to engage and you can potentially convert them to paying customers.

Create frequent social media campaigns

For sure social media is a game-changer in today’s time. Building correct social media profiles and earning a good number of followers can take some time but it’s all worth it. Ad spending in the Social Media Advertising segment is projected to reach US$110,628m in 2021. Ads in social networks can appear as sponsored posts within organic content or beside the newsfeed. Organic reach is harder to achieve in this competitive era. The interesting thing about sponsored ads is you can target brand new customers along with old ones or any other demographics as per your choice. All the major social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram offer sponsored ad options. A sponsored ad can be in the form of a post or story. Facebook and Instagram offer budget-friendly sponsored ad packages, while sponsored ads on platforms like LinkedIn, Snapchat and Twitter are a bit pricey. All you have to do is to choose which social networks perform well organically for your brand and where does your content naturally strike and select that platform for your sponsored ad campaign. When video content is incorporated with paid campaigns it does wonders. Read more about social media marketing to turn up your visibility game 5 Best Practices to turn up your social media game in 2021

Leverage the power of Video marketing

Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to get the word out about your business. With Video Marketing, You Can Engage Your Customers Like Glue. Because all social media platforms are video-driven and everyone loves watching videos. So, make a video tutorial that solves your customer pain points, educate them about your products, services. Video content is a conversion generating tool. Thus, the long-term strategy for any business should be to align their video marketing efforts with all their other channels like websites, social media platforms and other streaming platforms. Research also says that potential customers are 84 per cent more likely to buy a product if they have watched a product video. The newest form of video marketing is an explainer video. Explainer videos are short marketing videos used to illustrate a company’s product or service.

Once your spectacular video is ready you can refer to our blog 7 Hacks to sharpen video marketing for some out of the box video marketing hacks and get your video content rolling.

In video marketing, animated video is the most popular type of explainer video. For best results, you can outsource the video content to a video production company that can craft unique, relevant and engaging marketing videos for your brand.

Influencers: Yes 2021 is the perfect time to invest in Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a popular term in 2021 thanks to the popularity of social media. Through Influencers, brands can closely interact with their customers. Marketing Predictions say that Influencer marketing will dominate the future. These days influencers are also putting equal efforts to create content. It is assumed that influencer marketing will grow massively in 2021 with the rise of Micro & Nano influencers. Thanks to the high engagement, authenticity, and low-costs benefits influencer marketing provides. Small and medium-sized businesses can approach Micro and nano influencers, this can prove to be a good investment.Influencers highly shape buyers’ purchase decisions. According to studies, influencer marketing yields a $6.50 return on investment for every dollar spent. Influencers are categorised based on the number of followers -ranging from high-follower elites to low-follower. While selecting influencers for your brand apart from tracking follower numbers, it’s essential to monitor the types of followers, quality of relationships, and overall engagement.

Optimise SEO the right way

When it comes to SEO the sky’s the limit.
With the right keywords, you can broaden your audience and reach. A well planned and precisely implemented SEO campaign can bring many benefits to a company and it is also the need of the era. You can’t yield returns from SEO in a short time, over some time it will increase brand reach and improve brand image which will lead to organic traffic.

Make sure your SEO strategy includes backlink generation; keyword optimised content, a prudent set of long-tail keywords and image posting. And ensure that you don’t spam your keywords.

Understand the art of Blogging and Content Creation

Blogging is part of content marketing. Writing blogs frequently is a brilliant way to retain long term, loyal customers. Blogs that are keyword optimized, will boost your brand visibility online. Besides, blogging is a great option to educate your audience/customers. Blogging will certainly take time yet it will create brand goodwill that no other strategy can.

Blogging is a cost-effective tool that allows you to interact with your target audience, blogging is inexpensive too. Blogs can enormously influence customers, because who doesn’t know that the Words have the potential to change the world.

If you haven’t focused any of your marketing budgets on the above-listed strategies now is the time to make the change. Marketing is not rocket science, it is a blend of both art and science that should be thoughtfully and thoroughly implemented. You can polish up your best content across all your platforms with the help of an ad agency and get ready to engage your audience right away. And if you have any dilemma regarding the right strategy, you can contact us, we are great listeners. We would love to hear from you.

Meanwhile, check out our portfolio at or drop an email at

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Best ways to promote video content in 2021

We have written many blogs on the importance of video marketing. And if inspired by it, you have also made video content, then this blog will be useful for you.

Video content is made after a lot of hard work, so its promotion strategy should be equally effective. You must have promoted the blog, but the promotion of video content is very different from the blog. Do you know video content resonates incredibly well with audiences? Just including a video on your landing page can increase conversions by 80% So, you need to take the time to drive people to find and watch your video.

We have prepared the below tips for you to make video promotion easy and to get your video views way up so you know the effort of producing a stellar video was not wasted.

1 Video Campaign needs to run on Facebook or Twitter

Why let go of a solid free platform for video promotion? The best place to do this is on social networks where people are more likely to share and spread the word about your video, in turn leading more people to your landing page on your website, and ultimately driving more people to play your video. With millions of daily users, Twitter and Facebook can be powerful tools to raise awareness about your business and engage with customers.

2 Play video content at Event/ Trade Expo invites

If you’re planning your next event or attending some trad Expo or whether it’s an online tutorial, webinar, or product launch it is highly recommended that you lean heavily on tailor video content. Personalized event invite emails can lead to 8 times\ improvement in click-through rates. Businesses that have used customised video marketing to invite attendees to an event, saw a 36% increase in open rates.

At Expo or events Listening to the same person for an extended period can be boring which is why industry events are a great opportunity to promote your video content to a large and right audience.

Even the best speakers on the TED shows use videos to break up their speeches because it helps refuel the audience.

3 Add Video to Email Marketing

Video and email marketing perfectly complement each other. Just by adding the word video content in an email subject line can boost open rates by 19%, click rates by 65% and can reduce unsubscribers by 26% ( Data source Animoto). You can also add a video thumbnail into your email to boost the engagement of that email.

There are many tools for Email marketing for example with HubSpot, Marketo, Pardot, or SalesForce, you can pipe video viewing data directly into your lead scoring.
Let’s say one of your leads views 70% of a product demo video on your website, you could alert a sales rep to call that prospect.

4 Take advantage of Paid Social Media Campaigns

When you want to reach a new, targeted audience, social media advertising is a must.
Because sometimes organic reach is harder to achieve. The days of going viral without social campaigning might be gone forever.

To move from an organic social strategy to putting real money and efforts on the right campaigning can be difficult initially. So, it’s crucial to understand all the options. This is a direct way to reach the audience you want. You can target new customers or return to loyal ones. You can also take the chance to experiment with A/B testing.

The good thing about paid campaigning is you can measure results. This will let you know whether you’ve hit your targets or not. It shows you what worked and what didn’t so that you can improve your campaign next time.

5 Keep the video content shareabl

In the above points, we saw how powerful social media is. You are likely to start and end your day on social media like Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. People love watching videos on social media. They are likely to share your content with their connections if they like the content. So make your video easily shareable on major social media platforms.

You can add share buttons directly within the video itself so that interested parties can share the video link. You can direct back this audience to your website without having to leave the player.

6 Share Your Video in Online Community groups

There are industry-based online community groups you can find on Twitter, Linked In, Reddit. You should be actively engaging in these groups and spreading your video content when relevant. Suppose you are a technical support provider and some groups look forward to technical supporters there you can share your Explainer Video to answer their questions and show how you can help them in a truly engaging manner.

7 Ask People to Share Your Video

There’s nothing wrong with taking the help of your friends, they will share your content and help you spread the word. So ask your friends, colleagues, former colleagues, industry connections to reach your content to as many people as possible. You never know this can go a long way so don’t limit the people you ask. Maybe some of these connections have a big follower list and if they like the video, they can also share it on their page.

Trust us all these tricks are not just for saying, they work. We have seen many clients implementing it and finding success. And if you have any dilemma regarding video production and promotion then we specialize in video production as well as video promotion. We are great listeners. We would love to hear from you.

Check out our portfolio at or drop an email at

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