7 Hacks to sharpen video marketing

We have written a couple of articles regarding video marketing and why it is so significant. Video drives more engagement than text-based content or images.

Video effortlessly captures the audience’s attention and helps to get your message across in a short time. People find video content relatable, it helps convey the emotion and personality of your brand. That’s enough reason why it’s becoming increasingly popular.

According to a study by Content Marketing Institute, 60% of both B2B and B2C marketers use video for marketing.

The performance of video content is equally dependent on Video marketing promotion strategies. So Make sure you’re promoting your content on the right platforms at the right time. We have listed below hacks that will help your video content to outperform.

1. Do keyword research before creating a video

Everyone wants their video to rank on all social media platforms. To make this happen, you need to do some keyword research first. Keyword research is a comprehensive process. If you don’t know how to start then you can ask your video production company/advertisement agency to do keyword research for your brand. Nowadays major ad agencies provide corresponding services. There are some of the most popular types of videos being searched How-to videos, Tutorials, Reviews.

2. Masterpiece starts with a well-crafted storyboard

Video making starts with the script, a video without any sound script is like a directionless ship. It should be notable and have a wow effect. Your video has to be unique, memorable and fully customized as per your product/service. The right script should convey the business’s clear message along with elements such as emotions, humour, and exaggeration in a storytelling format. Since marketing videos are the first impression to your future and existing customers.

3. Make sure your video follows captions/narration

Do you know most people watch videos without sound on social media platforms, on Facebook, 85% of people watch videos with no sound? Videos with English transcriptions can be used in various countries. You can ask your video production company to add captions. This small hack will yield much better results.

4. Your video should Educate Your Audience and keep it short 

One of the most powerful purposes to implement effective video marketing is to educate viewers. Often videos that offer advice, information, tips and other informative content can be more effective and it helps brands to drive consumer engagement. Video can build trust with customers while keeping them entertained and informed at the same time. Moving objects and especially animation grabs the eye’s attention better than still images, so telling your story and selling your brand is already easier if you have the viewer’s attention. Consider keeping your video short cause the average human attention span is getting shorter. Today viewers don’t have much time to spare. And shorter marketing videos can work better than long ones. Include your key message in the first 30 seconds of the video. Keep the right time limit for various social media platforms. Videos are storytellers and people love stories, this is why video makes an ideal option to educate your audience.

5. Include a clickable call to action in your video

The ultimate goal of the video is to encourage viewers to take an action. You can place a CTA at the beginning of the video, during the video, or at the end of the video. But how do you define the right CTA? Ask yourself, what do you want viewers to do when they’ve watched the video-answer of this question is your CTA. It is advisable to insert only one CTA since more calls to action will leave your customers clueless and confused. Try to include clickable CTA such as go to the website, subscribe to your channel, or buy now.
According to a study by KissMetrics, a CTA in a video gets 380% more clicks than a CTA in the sidebar next to the video! Call to action converts leads into the final conversation.

6. Video needs to be Mobile Friendly

Today the market is present in the mobile. With more and more people using mobile devices to get online, your Marketing video must be mobile-friendly. In fact, as per a survey, mobile video consumption increases 100% every year! Marketing videos, therefore, need to be able to be downloaded and enjoyed on mobile devices without any cluster and quality compression.

7. Create a promotional plan for your video:

As we said the credibility of video performance equally lies in its promotional strategies. You need to think about all the channels you can use to effectively promote your video. For example:

We have listed few practical video promotion strategies:

 • Convert your video content to blog: Create blog content that covers the same topics as your video. This helps promote the video but it also keeps people on your blog post longer which helps with ranking.

 • Use paid advertising: Now it is economical to pay for views on Facebook, Instagram and other channels. But before you go for the paid campaigns, share the video on your social accounts first. If you start getting organic results then consider boosting it with paid ads. 

 • Ask influencers to promote your video content: Influencers add authority to the content you write and help drive more attention and engagement.

 • Include the video in Landing Page: Statistics show that including Explainer videos in landing pages can raise conversion rates by as much as 80 percent. 90% of customers reported that product videos help them make purchasing decisions.


Today the market is present in the mobile. With more and more people using mobile devices to get online, your Marketing video must be mobile-friendly. In fact, as per a survey, mobile video consumption increases 100% every year! Marketing videos, therefore, need to be able to be downloaded and enjoyed on mobile devices without any cluster and quality compression.